10 Offline SEO Tips

Using social networks, building backlines, and article writing are just a few free SEO tools you can use to get traffic to your website or blog. But you don’t always need to be in front of your computer all day to boost traffic and get your site noticed. There are lots of ways to get noticed using offline SEO tactics. I’ve tried to include as many free or as inexpensive ideas as possible, some of them will be on the more expensive side and will probably be out of your budget for. But as your site grows and your revenue (if your making money from your site) goes up there worth considering.

 1. Business cards 
One of the easiest ways to get your site out there is using a business card. You can either opt to make and print them yourself or have someone else print them for you. Some of the things your business card should include are

 a. You’re websites logo 
 b. URL address 
 c. You’re name and position (if you have a position) 
 d. email 
 e. phone number and other contact information you think you might need (don’t include your address) 

Always keep a few of these in your wallet, and hand them out to whoever you meet, either at a bar, walking the dog, or any other social event you find yourself in. If you want to design your own business cards one site I recommend is Avery.ca, but there are others that work just as well.

 2. Turn your car into an ad 
 By adding a bumper sticker or magnet to your car you’ve created a mobile billboard that displays your sites URL wherever you go without having to do any extra work. Just by driving to work or running errands you’re telling people about your website or blog. Make sure to add it to a prominent spot on your car such either side of your car by the door or on the trunk at about eye level for those sitting in their cars behind you. If making a bumper sticker or magnet is too expensive for you, you can always print your sites address on some paper and tape it to the rear or side window. Just remember to make it large enough for everyone to be able to read without having to strain to see it.

 3. Flyers 
 Like business cards these are a cheap fast way of getting people to notice your site. Look for areas that have high amounts of foot traffic and put your flyer on telephone poles, mail boxes, or anywhere where people will be able to see it.

4. Use your window 
 If you live in a house or apartment building why not create a large banner that you can display from your living room window. You’ll want to check with your landlord first, and you’ll want to keep it in good taste.

 5. Stickers
I’ve seen a few site owners use stickers to display their site. One trick that seems to work well is to get your sticker displayed at the bottom of a drive through window. It’s important to remember though that this could be considered graffiti or even vandalism and might not be displayed for very long. Also if you have contact information and stick one of these on the side of a building, the buildings owner can look you up, so keep that in mind.

6. Billboards and benches 
 This one can cost a lot but will get you noticed by thousands of people a day. This is where it’s important to have a logo and name for your site that’s easy to remember. You can also use a keyword that you rank high on. Say for example your site deals with seo and the keyword your ranked number one on is free seo tools but your sites name is a complicated. Using a keyword and displaying your URL below it, not only gives those who see it something easy to remember, but when they search that keyword and click on your site you get credit for that keyword bumping up your rankings for it.

7. Get a new shirt 
Why not turn yourself into a walking advertisement when you’re out running errands and have your site displayed on the back of a t-shirt. Like displaying an ad on your car you don’t have to do anything out of the ordinary and beyond what you’d do normally.

8. Get on the radio 
There are a couple ways you can do this. One is through Google Radio, which for a small investment you can get your ad read by thousands of listeners. These ads for about 30 seconds so you want to get your sites address mention at least 3 times.
 You can also advertise on local radio stations; however this will cost a lot more, but is still effective at increasing traffic locally especially if you live in a large city. One way you can get a free radio ad is to simply call the radio station and try to get on the air, by either requesting a song, commenting on a question, or trying to win a prize. If you can get on the air take a second to mention your website. (You might only have a couple seconds to mention it once) If you can play it up on the phone and they find you interesting you might be able to get them into a conversation about your site, turning a quick shout out into a couple minute infomercial of sorts.

9. Write articles for papers and magazines 
You probably won’t be able to get your article noticed in a major newspaper, but there are tonnes of smaller papers and magazines that are constantly looking for experts on a particular niche.

10. Word of mouth 
And finally simply tell everyone about your site. Tell those who you work with, your buddies, family, the cute girl who lives next door, whoever it is tell them. Even if it only gets you a couple extra hit’s a day, that’s a couple more then what you would have had if, if you didn’t

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